We had a wonderful time at the Rainershine Goldens family reunion.
Thanks to all who came out to join us!
Sunny has 4 puppies born 11/23/24.
They are all boys!
This litter is called "Sunny's Snowmen".
They will all be reserved
per our waiting list.
Upcoming Litters:
We plan to have several litters throughout 2025. The names of the parents will be listed, along with the expected dates, after they are bred.
Our waiting list is typically about 6 months out,
but we may have pups available sooner
in the event of a cancellation or
multiple litters born close together.
The first step to join our waiting list is
filling out the puppy application here on our website. We process apps in batches in the order received. You may not hear back from us right away, but we will let you know once we process yours.